I got my first drumset when I was 12 years old. I took lessons for three years after which I played in bands up until I turned 25 or something along the lines. I recorded a 5 track EP somewhere around 2005 but it didn't get much attention nor record deal. After that I had brake from all music related things for almost 10 years. After my meltdown, into which I dive into deep end on next part "Later years", I noticed that making music is the best therapy. And now after three years and several dozens tracks later (in Finnish and in English) I'm finally making the album, and this time in English.
I compose, and play all the instruments in my songs. All the recording is done in my home studio. I also sing all the tracks (if you can call that growl singing :) ). But when I entered a proper studio to mix my album the owner of the studio (Valtteri Backman, Kuma Project Studios) had so amazing voice I just had to ask if he would sing few parts in some of my track. And to my relief he agreed to do so.
A couple of facts first, I burned out (from work of course) for the first time in the early 2000s. Second time was at the turn of 2018/2019, and that was the point when I also fell ill with depression. Then I was prescribed an antidepressant. It had some side effects listed which included "triggers an episode of hypomania, etc. in a person with bipolar disorder (i.e. manic-depressive disorder)".
Well, of course no one could have known that I was bipolar (although now that explains a lot of things). What followed was such a year-long rally that the dust still hasn't settled. Everything I had is gone now, as the lyrics of my song say. As if things weren't bad enough, then I had myself the third and final burnout by not sleeping for more than 2.5 weeks while working, and then my mind went bye bye.
"One Man Mayhem" is my music project that tells true stories about the days and weeks when I was in psychosis and when reality and delusions were one and the same thing for me. Of course not all the tracks have lyrics about the mindset I was in.
OMM Records and Noise Oy is my record label which sole purpose is to handle all the aspects related of publishing and marketing my music project. The logo is designed by my daughter Vera.
One Man Mayhem
Jukajärven kylätie 77 POHJALANKILA Etelä-Karjala 56440